Salford City Council Land and property assets (Transparency Code)
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 10315486-670c-4eb1-aec2-b8f5540ae5d7
Title | Salford City Council Land and property assets (Transparency Code)
Notes | This dataset provides information on Salford City Council's land and building assets. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.
The Code states for vacant properties that only the first part of the postcode should be published so this information has been redacted accordingly. A full dataset version including the UPRN and geo-co-ordinates derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to respond to, or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business” due to OS licensing restrictions under a PSMA end user licence: If you wish to use this data for any other purpose other than supporting the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business, then you should contact Ordnance Survey via or telephone 03456 05 05 05 to discuss how they can help you with your requirements. |
Author | |
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Metadata Updated | 2015-04-06 14:14:24
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Organisation | Salford City Council
Country | |
State | |
Platform | ckan
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Version | (not set)