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Impact of changes to fire stations/fire engines as a result of the Fifth London Safety Plan (LSP5) - Statement of Assurance 2013/14

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Impact of changes to fire stations/fire engines as a result of the Fifth London Safety Plan (LSP5) - Statement of Assurance 2013/14
<p>Data about response times to incidents, fires and fire safety work to support analysis of impacts of the implementation of changes to London Fire Brigade fire stations and deployment of fire engines in January 2014 as a result of the LFEPA Fifth London Safety Plan (LSP5)</p>
<p><a href="">London Fire Brigade</a> is the busiest fire and rescue service in England and one of the largest in the world. Each year LFB receives about 180,000 emergency&nbsp;&lsquo;999&rsquo; calls of which just under&nbsp;100,000 are incidents requiring a fire engine response. On 9 January 2014, ten London fire stations were closed as part of the Authority&rsquo;s Fifth London Safety Plan (LSP5), 14 fire engines (net) and one fire rescue unit were removed from service, and some other fire engines deployed to different stations. In September, the Authority&rsquo;s Strategy Committee requested a report assessing the impact of the LSP5 changes since January 2014 linked to the LFEPA Statement of Assurance 2013/14. A report to the full LFEPA meeting on 27 November 2014 provides that assessment (report FEP2363 - Statement of Assurance 2013/14 and the impact of the Fifth London Safety Plan (LSP5)) and is available <a href=";MId=337&amp;Ver=4">here</a>. Included in that report are detailed data tables providing relevant data to help assess the impact of LSP5 changes at borough and ward level. Those datasets &ndash; which comprise appendices 3 and 4 of the report &ndash; are made available here in open format (CSV). The Authority, in November 2014, deferred agreement to the Statement of Assurance and requested further data. This further data, alongside that originally provided in November 2014, was submitted to the Authority on 29 January 2015 (report FEP2385 - appendices 7/8) which is available on the LFB web site <a href=";MId=338&amp;Ver=4">here</a>. These data sets cover 12 month periods from 2011/12 to 2013/14 (12 months April to March each year) plus total data for the period January to August 2014.</p>
<p>Similar data on the impacts of LSP5 was published in September 2015 linked to the LFEPA Statement of Assurance 2014/15 and is available <a href="/dataset/impact-of-lsp5-september-2015"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
<p>LFEPA already published full datasets for incidents attended since January 2009 (which details about that incident including location), plus a dataset which details of every fire engine (pumping appliance) sent to an incident. These datasets are updated on a monthly basis.</p>
<p>Download: <a href="">Zip</a> file containing five CSV files. (60 KB)</p>
<p><a href=" data for London Datastore LSP5 impacts FEP2363 - November 2014.xlsx">Metadata for this file</a> (includes description of field names)</p>
<p>Also available is all <a href="/dataset/london-fire-brigade-mobilisation-records">fire engine mobilisations</a> since January 2009</p>
<p>Also available is all <a href="/dataset/london-fire-brigade-incident-records">LFB incident records</a> since January 2009.</p>
London Fire Brigade
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Metadata Updated
2015-09-26 14:27:25
Date Released
Date Updated
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
(not set)