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National Parks and Wildlife Service - National Juniper Survey 2009-2012

Dataset Profile

Odm ID
National Parks and Wildlife Service - National Juniper Survey 2009-2012
A National Assessment of the Conservation Status of the EU Habitat 5130 J. communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands.

This data resource contains the following:

- Microsoft Office Access Database containing all data recorded in the field (e.g. sites, relevés, photographs etc) as part of 'The conservation of juniper formations in Ireland 2008-2010' project (Cooper et al. 2011).

- a polygon shapefile produced in ArGIS 10, illustrating the distribution and extent of J. communis formations in Ireland according to the results given in the Main report [Cooper et al. 2011, Vol. I (1)]

- a polygon shapefile illustrating the favourable reference range of J. communis formations in Ireland according to the results given in the Main report [Cooper et al. 2011, Vol. I (1)]

- a polygon shapefile illustrating the boundary polygons enclosing J. communis formations in Ireland according to the results given in the Main report [Cooper et al. 2011, Vol. I (1)]

- a point shapefile illustrating the centroid of polygons enclosing J. communis formations in Ireland according to the results given in the Main report [Cooper et al. 2011, Vol. I (1)]

- a point shapefile illustrating the centroid of sites determined as non-formations (i.e. sites with <10 individual J. communis shrubs) in Ireland according to the results given in the Main report [Cooper et al. 2011, Vol. I (1)]

The purpose of this survey is:
1. To define the term ‘juniper formation’.
2. To establish the current distribution and extent of juniper formations
3. To establish to habitat and species associations of juniper formations.
4. To determine the condition and future prospects for each juniper formation
5. To assess the conservation status of the habitat throughout Ireland
6. To propose management recommendations to ensure favourable conservation status
7. To propose a monitoring prescription for juniper scrub
National Parks and Wildlife Service
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Metadata Updated
2015-06-23 13:00:23
Date Released
Date Updated
Update Frequency
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
(not set)