Population by Usual Residence Migration Birthplaces and Nationalities
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | d0774e09-9174-420b-976f-7c12e5a4f937
Title | Population by Usual Residence Migration Birthplaces and Nationalities
Notes | Statistics of Population by Usual Residence Migration Birthplaces and Nationalities from [www.statcentral.ie](http://www.statcentral.ie/ "statcentral.ie") under the theme People and Society - Population from theCentral Statistics Office (CSO)
Classifications: * Province * Region (NUTS3) * County * Marital status (broad) * Marital status (detailed) * Country of usual residence * Birthplace * Nationality |
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-24 02:42:56
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)