Data Catalogues

What's an alert?

An alert dataset is defined on the following missing metadata:
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated

Alert data catalogues

Showing 81-90 of 4,115 items.

ALERT! Incomplete metadata found in the harvested datasets

* If you are an open data publisher, please go to your original dataset source to add the required metadata.
#ActionsTitleCatalogue URLPlatformDescription
81Habitats Directive Sites & Business - Land and Water. Habitat sites as designated under the Habitats Directive. Joint aspects with Natural England....
82Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) scheme administration data Consultancy Services (TCS) scheme administration data. Contains personal and sensitive data.
83Web - for Accident Investigation Branch Investigation Branches (AIB) web site to disseminate bulletins and reports to Industry and general public
84CEND 01/13 Seabed Images (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Images from Fladen Grounds Natue Conservation Scottish Marine Protected Area (NC SMPA)
85CEND 8/12c Seabed Images (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Images from Offshore Overfalls , Offshore Brighton recommended Marine Conservation Zones (rMCZ)
86Centaur contains names and addresses of exporters, names and addresses of export destination. Centaur produces export health certification for trade...
87Information Management System (IMS) details of all incidents at sea or along the coastline the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) is responsible for,...
88Tonnage Tax Training Commitment database of trainee cadets with number of months they have been training against the Company name to ensure that Companies...
89Transec Information Management System (TIMS) - 1 database. Names, addresses, telephone number and e-mail of up 10,000 transport industry security contacts. Information is stored on the...
90BPAs en RUPs - grondvlakken Open Data Stad Antwerpen http://opendata.antwerpen.behtmlOpgesplitst in 10 geodatasets geven we de goedgekeurde, niet-vervallen bijzondere plannen van aanleg (BPAs) en gemeentelijke ruimtelijke uitvoeringsplannen (RUPs) die...