Data Catalogues

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An alert dataset is defined on the following missing metadata:
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated

Alert data catalogues

Showing 171-180 of 4,115 items.

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* If you are an open data publisher, please go to your original dataset source to add the required metadata.
#ActionsTitleCatalogue URLPlatformDescription
171Engineering and Asset Management monitoring, enforcement and policy development
172EFA Payments of payments made by EFA, covering BACS and CHAPS payments over £25,000 and GPC payments over £500.
173Legal SI Mailmerge Database Instrument production with Highways Agency (HA) contacts details attached. The nature of the asset is 30 or so HA...
174Fleming cases Database of VAT Flemings claims managed. ‘Fleming claims’ are claims for under-declared or overpaid VAT, potentially going back as far...
175Census Customer Services Contacts database database with customer details regarding census products and recipients of census news alerts
176Štatistika kriminality v Slovenskej republike za rok 2002 obdobie 1.1.-31.12.2002
177Part-time employees [Workforce Diversity] & Resources - Human Resources. Number of Environment Agency part-time employees.
178Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions (AfA189) and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions dataset and supporting information providing information on...
179Network logons ONS staff to logon to the network - Includes ID and password
180Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2011 / 2012 and expenditure of students - derived from a survey of around 3,000 full-time and 900 part-time English-domiciled students at...