Data Catalogues

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An alert dataset is defined on the following missing metadata:
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated

Alert data catalogues

Showing 161-170 of 4,115 items.

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* If you are an open data publisher, please go to your original dataset source to add the required metadata.
#ActionsTitleCatalogue URLPlatformDescription
161Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Partner information of Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) partners
162Student Loans Arrears Management system Loans Arrears management operational data. Contains data on all Student Loans accounts that have fallen into arrears and the...
163Executive Board Information, papers submitted for consideration at, and minutes of meetings.
164Enforcement Camera Certification and reviews of enforcement camera certification applications. It includes contact details and elements of CVs relating to the person...
165EFA Contracts of all contracts over £10,000 including details of the tendering process
166CEND 02/11c Seabed Videos (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Videos from Haig Fras
167Štatistika kriminality v Slovenskej republike za rok 2001 obdobie 1.1.-31.12.2001
168Civil Service Pension Scheme membership data held by scheme administrators under contract to the Cabinet Office of 1.5 million active, deferred and pensioner members of...
169NaFRA Property Flood Likelihood Category Database (AfA105) and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. The National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA) Property Flood Likelihood Category (FLC) Database...
170Aviation Security Management System database containing numeric and descriptive record of security inspections of transport industry. No personal data other than names of...