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Showing 51-60 of 127 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

51House Price Paid Data - Land RegistryBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
52Banes Broadband Survey June 2013UK_OGLV3.0Business; Economy, finance and tax
53Ofcom Broadband coverageBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
54Bath Bar & Pub closing timesCC_30_BY_SABusiness; Economy, finance and tax
55Ratio of house prices to earnings since 1997Business; Economy, finance and tax
56Broadbandspeedby LSOA Cutoct14Business; Economy, finance and tax
57Primary School Admissions 2014/15Culture, education and youth; Science and technology
58Location of B&NES SchoolsCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
592013 Schools Census/SpineCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
60BANES School ContactsCulture, education and youth; Science and technology

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

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