Data Catalogues Profile


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Showing 31-40 of 127 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

31BANES Live Car Park OccupancyTransport and travel
32BANES Live Highways VMSUK_OGLV3.0Transport and travel
33BANES Members' Allowance Payments 2008-
34BANES Petroleum Licences
35BANES Planning applications
36BANES Premises Licences
37BANES Public ToiletsEmployment and social rights/affairs
38BANES School ContactsCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
39BANES Subset Of Annual Survey Of Visits To Visitor AttractionsBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
40BANES Subset Of CQC PlacesEmployment and social rights/affairs

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

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