Data Catalogues Profile


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Showing 91-100 of 5,149 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

91Gli Atti di indirizzo e controllo XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
92L'AssembleaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
93I Deputati XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
94Le LeggiCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
95I DibattitiCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
96Le Legislature XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
97I Gruppi parlamentari XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
98L'Assemblea XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
99Gli organi parlamentari XVI legislaturaCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
100I Presidenti del Consiglio dei MinistriCC BY-SACamera dei DeputatiJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
Showing 91-100 of 469 items.

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

91Impianti SportiviCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
92Uffici ComunaliCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioExternal relations and foreign affairs
93Cartelloni PubblicitariCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
94Centri di AggregazioneCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
95UtilitaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
96Arte e CulturaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
97ScuoleCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
98Bere e MangiareCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioAgriculture, fisheries and food; Energy and natural resources
99Ambiente e NaturaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEnvironment, consumers and health
100DormireCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioBusiness; Economy, finance and tax