Data Catalogues Profile




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Total 987 elementos.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

12011 results - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
2Accessibilità dellenergia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
3Accessibility of energy - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
4Added value for stakeholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
5Aggregazioni aziendali ed acquisizioni di società a controllo congiunto effettuate nel 2013 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
6Altre attività correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
7Altre attività correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
8Altre attività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
9Altre attività finanziarie correnti incluse nellindebitamento - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
10Altre attività finanziarie non correnti incluse nell’indebitamento finanziario netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
11Altre attività non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
12Altre attività non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
13Altre emissioni atmosferiche - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
14Altre passività correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
15Altre passività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
16Altre passività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
17Altre Passività non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
18Altri consumi diretti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
19Altri costi operativi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
20Altri indici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
21Altri indici di generazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
22Altri proventi e oneri finanziari netti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
23Altri ricavi e proventi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
24Ammortamenti e perdite di valore - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
25Ammortamento e perdite valori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
26Analisi della struttura finanziaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
27Analisi della struttura patrimoniale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
28Analisi della struttura patrimoniale del Gruppo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
29Analisi di sensitività del rischio di cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
30Analisi di sensitività del tasso di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
31Analisti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
32Analysis of the financial position - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
33Analysis of the financial structure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
34Analysis of the Group’s financial position - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
35Andamento dei prezzi di vendita di energia elettrica in Italia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
36Andamento dei prezzi gas naturale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
37Andamento dei prezzi nei principali mercati esteri - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
38Andamento della domanda di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
39Andamento prezzi nei principali mercati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
40Annual real GDP growth - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
41Approvvigionamenti e combustibili - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
42Assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
43Assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
44Assets/(liabilities) held for sale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
45Assunzioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
46Assunzioni stima attuariale benefici ai dipendenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
47Attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
48Attività e passività possedute per la vendita - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
49Attività finanziare correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
50Attività finanziarie classificate per categoria di strumenti finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
51Attività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
52Attività finanziarie impatto a Conto Economico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
53Attività finanziarie non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
54Attività finanziarie non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
55Attività finanziarie non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
56Attività finanziarie non correnti incluse nellindebitamento - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
57Attività immateriali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
58Attività immateriali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
59Attività immateriali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
60Attività materiali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
61Attivitá per imposte anticipate e Passività per imposte differite - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
62Attività per imposte anticipate e passività per imposte differite - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
63Attività per imposte anticipate e Passività per imposte differite - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
64Attività valutate al fair value nello Stato patrimoniale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
65Attività/Passività possedute per la vendita - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
66Availability of shareholders’ equity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
67Availability of thermoelectric plants by geographic area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
68Average personnel - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
69Avviamento - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
70Avviamento e tasso di sconto per società - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
71Azionariato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
72Azionisti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
73Board of Directors - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
74Broker - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
75BS parti correlate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
76Capacità installata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
77Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
78Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
79Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
80Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
81Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
82Capital expenditure - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
83Capogruppo, Servizi e Altre attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
84Cash and cash equivalents - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
85Cash flow attesi derivati su commodity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
86Cash flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
87Cash flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
88CE parti correlate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
89Centrali Enel Produzione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
90Certificazione ambientale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
91Cess quote minoranza CGU endesa - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
92Change in actuarial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
93Change personnel costs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
94Changes in equity investments in 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
95Changes in provisions for risks and charges - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
96Changes in the nominal value of long-term debt during 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
97Clienti e vendite di gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
98Clienti finali mercato gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
99Clienti mercato elettricità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
100Clienti per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
101Commercial and other relationships 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
102Communication with shareholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
103Comparison between the carrying amount and the fair value of long term debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
104Compensazione di attività/passività finanziarie - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
105Composition of shareholder base - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
106Composizione base azionaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
107Comprehensive income (Statement of Consolidated Comprehensive Income) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
108Comunicazione agli azionisti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
109Confronto tra il valore contabile e il fair value dellindebitamento a lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
110Consiglio di Amministrazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
111Consistenza dei dipendenti per categoria di appartenenza - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
112Consistenza del parco di generazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
113Consistenza del personale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
114Consistenza del personale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
115Consistenza dell’organico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
116Consolidated Balance Sheet - Assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
117Consolidated Income Statement - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
118Consolidated Income Statement - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
119Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
120Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
121Consumi di combustibile per fonte primaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
122Consumi di energia elettrica per destinazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
123Contenzioso ambientale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
124Contenzioso verso clienti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
125Contenzioso vs dipendenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
126Contenzioso vs fornitori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
127Conto economico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
128Conto Economico 2013 Restated - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
129Conto economico consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
130Conto economico consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
131Contracting companies - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
132Contractual commitments and guarantees - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
133Contractual commitments and guarantees - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
134Contratti derivati classificati tra le attività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
135Contratti derivati classificati tra le passività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
136Contributi alla produzione termica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
137Contributi alla produzione termica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
138Contributi alla produzione termica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
139Contribution to gross thermal generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
140Contribution to gross thermal generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
141Contribution to gross thermal generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
142Copertura tassi di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
143Corporate image - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
144Corporate Welfare - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
145Costi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
146Costi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
147Costi lavori interni capitalizzati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
148Costo del personale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
149Costs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
150Costs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
151Creating value for stakeholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
152Creating value for stakeholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
153Credit risk - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
154Crediti commerciali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
155Crediti commerciali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
156Crediti commerciali per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
157Crediti verso imprese controllate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
158Current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
159Current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
160Current financial assets included in debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
161Current financial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
162Current financial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
163Current portions of long-term loans - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
164Customers by geographic area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
165Customers by geographic area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
166Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
167Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
168Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
169Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
170Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
171Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
172Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
173Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
174Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
175Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
176Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
177Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
178Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
179Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
180Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
181Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
182Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
183Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
184Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
185Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
186Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
187Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
188Dati di stato - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
189Dati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
190Dati economici collegate 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
191Dati economici collegate 2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
192Dati economici per aree di attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
193Dati operativi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
194Dati patrimoniali area di attività 2013 restated - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
195Dati patrimoniali e finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
196Dati patrimoniali per area di attività al dicembre 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
197Dati patrimoniali per area di attività al dicembre 2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
198Debiti commerciali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
199Debiti commerciali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
200Debiti commerciali per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
201Debiti commerciali verso imprese controllate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
202Debito - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
203Debt - Debt evolution - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
204Debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
205Deferred tax assets and liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
206Deferred tax assets and liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
207Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
208Derivati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
209Derivati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
210Derivati al Fair value through profit or loss - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
211Derivati attivi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
212Derivati attivi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
213Derivati attivi / passivi non correnti correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
214Derivati cash flow hedge - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
215Derivati di Cash Flow Hedge - Tasso di cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
216Derivati di Cash Flow Hedge - Tasso di cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
217Derivati di Cash Flow Hedge - Tasso di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
218Derivati di Fair Value Hedge - Stratifica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
219Derivati di trading - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
220Derivati FVTPL - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
221Derivati in AFC - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
222Derivati in AFNC - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
223Derivati in PFNC - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
224Derivati passivi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
225Derivati su Cambi - Strumento di copertura ed elemento coperto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
226Derivati su cambi - Tipologie contrattuali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
227Derivati su commodity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
228Derivati su Tasso - Hedge Accounting - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
229Derivati su Tasso - Strumento di copertura ed elemento coperto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
230Derivati su tasso - Tipologie contrattuali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
231Derivati su tasso di cambio suddivisi per designazione contabile (IAS 39) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
232Derivative contracts classified under current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
233Derivative contracts classified under current financial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
234Derivative contracts classified under non-current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
235Derivative contracts classified under non-current financial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
236Development of renewables - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
237Developments in domestic electricity sales prices - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
238Developments in electricity demand - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
239Developments in prices in the main markets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
240Developments in prices in the main markets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
241Dipendenti con diritto di pensionamento nei prossimi 5 e 10 anni, per area geografica (si elencano i principali paesi in cui Enel opera) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
242Dipendenti per area di attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
243Dipendenti per aree di attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
244Disabilità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
245Disability - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
246Disponibilità liquide e mezzi equivalenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
247Disponibilità liquide e mezzi equivalenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
248Disponibilità parco termoelettrico per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
249Disputes involving employees - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
250Disputes involving suppliers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
251Disputes involving suppliers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
252Disputes with customers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
253Disputes with suppliers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
254Distribution - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
255Distribution - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
256Distribuzione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
257Distribuzione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
258Dividendi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
259Domanda di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
260Domanda di gas naturale in Italia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
261Domanda gas naturale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
262Domestic electricity generation and demand - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
263Domestic gas demand - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
264Effetti su pass per benef - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
265Efficiency of thermoelectric generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
266Efficienza parco termoelettrico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
267Electric vehicle charging stations - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
268Electricity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
269Electricity consumption by destination - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
270Electricity distribution and transport networks - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
271Electricity distribution and transport networks - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
272Electricity distribution and transport networks - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
273Electricity generation and demand in the extra-peninsular market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
274Electricity generation and demand in the extra-peninsular market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
275Electricity generation and demand in the peninsular market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
276Electricity generation and demand in the peninsular market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
277Electricity market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
278Electricity market end users - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
279Electricity market Iberian peninsula - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
280Electricity market Italy - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
281Electricity market Romania - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
282Electricity prices - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
283Electricity prices - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
284Electricity sales - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
285Electricity sales - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
286Electricity sales - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
287Electricity sales - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
288Electricity volumes sold by market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
289Emissioni di sostanze nocive per l’ozono (Ozone Depleting Substances) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
290Emissioni evitate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
291Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
292Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
293Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
294Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
295Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
296Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
297Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
298Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
299Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
300Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
301Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
302Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
303Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
304Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
305Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
306Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
307Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
308Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
309Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
310Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
311Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
312Emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
313Emissions - Key Performance Indicators - KPIs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
314Emissions of ozone depleting substances - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
315Employees - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
316Employees by division - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
317Employees entitled to retire in next 5 and 10years by geographic area (the main countriesin which Enel operates are listed) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
318Enel direct shops - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
319Enel Green Power Plant - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
320Enel non direct shops - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
321Enel Produzione power plant - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
322Enel stock weighting - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
323Enel stock weighting - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
324Energia elettrica netta prodotta per fonte di energia primaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
325Energia elettrica prodotta per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
326Environmental certification - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
327Environmental disputes - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
328Environmental expenditures - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
329Equity investments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
330Equity investments accounted for using the equity method - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
331Equity investments in other companies - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
332Equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates and other companies at December 31, 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
333Esposizione al Rischio di Cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
334Esposizione Massima al Rischio di Credito - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
335Ethical auditing - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
336Ethical auditing - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
337Evoluzione del debito - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
338Exchange rate derivatives - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
339Exposure to exchange rate risk - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
340Fair value derivati e impatto sul patrimonio netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
341Fair value derivato implicito - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
342Fees of auditing firm pursuant to Article 149-duodecies of the CONSOB “Issuers Regulation” - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
343Financial income/(expense) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
344Financial income/(expense) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
345Financial Markets - Analyst - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
346Financial Markets - Broker - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
347Financial Markets - Dividends - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
348Financial Markets - Shareholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
349Financial position - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
350Financial receivables and derivatives recognized under non-current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
351Financial relationships 2010 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
352Financial relationships 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
353Finanziamenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
354Finanziamenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
355Finanziamenti a breve termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
356Finanziamenti a breve termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
357Finanziamenti a breve termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
358Finanziamenti a fondo perduto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
359Finanziamenti a lungo termine (escluse le quote correnti) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
360Finanziamenti a lungo termine (escluse le quote correnti) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
361Finanziamenti a lungo termine (incluse le quote in scadenza nei 12 mesi successivi) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
362Finanziamenti a lungo termine (incluse le quote in scadenza nei 12 mesi successsivi) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
363Finanziamenti e crediti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
364Flussi di cassa attesi da derivati su tassi di cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
365Flussi di cassa attesi da derivati su tasso di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
366Flussi finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
367Flussi finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
368Fondi Rischi e oneri - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
369Fondi rischi e oneri - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
370Fondo rischi e oneri MOV - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
371Formazione su salute e sicurezza - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
372Forza lavoro per inquadramento e genere - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
373Forza lavoro per tipologia di contratto e genere - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
374Fuel consumption by primary source - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
375Gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
376Gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
377Gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
378Gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
379Gas market - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
380Gas market end users - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
381Gas sales and customers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
382Gas volumes sold - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
383Gender - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
384Genere - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
385Gestione del capitale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
386Gestione del capitale - Rapporto indebitamento e patrimonio netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
387Gettito fiscale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
388Grants - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
389Gross operating margin - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
390Group performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
391Group’s environmental results - Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
392Half year data - Consolidated Balance Sheet_Liabilities and Shareholders Equity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
393Half year data - Statement of Changes in Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
394Held to Maturity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
395Hydrocarbon reserves and annual output - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
396I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
397I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
398I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
399I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
400I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
401I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
402I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
403I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
404I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
405I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
406I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
407I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
408I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
409I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
410I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
411I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
412I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
413I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
414I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
415I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
416I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
417I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
418I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
419I processi e i prodotti - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
420I reflui - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
421I rifiuti - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
422Illuminazione pubblica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
423Immagine dell’azienda - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
424Immobili impianti e macchinari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
425Immobili, impianti e macchinari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
426Impact on balance sheet - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
427Impact on cash flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
428Impact on income statement - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
429Impatto a Patrimonio netto (a lordo delleffetto fiscale) - Derivati di Cash Flow Hedge - Tasso di Cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
430Impatto a Patrimonio netto (a lordo delleffetto fiscale) - Derivati di Cash Flow Hedge - Tasso di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
431Impegni contrattuali e garanzie - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
432Impegni contrattuali e garanzie - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
433Impegni e garanzie - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
434Impianti Enel Green Power - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
435Imposte - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
436Imposte - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
437Imposte - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
438Incidenza dei rapporti con parti correlate sul Rendimento finanziario - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
439Incidenza dei rapporti con parti correlate sul Risultato economico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
440Incidenza dei rapporti con parti correlate sulla Situazione patrimoniale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
441Income from equity investments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
442Income Statement - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
443Income taxes - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
444Income taxes - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
445Incremento annuo del PIL in termini reali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
446Indebitamento a lungo termine confronto valore contabile e il fair value - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
447Indebitamento finanziario a lungo termine per valuta di origine con indicazione del tasso di interesse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
448Indebitamento finanziario a lungo termine valute - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
449Indebitamento finanziario netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
450Indebitamento finanziario netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
451Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
452Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
453Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
454Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
455Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
456Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
457Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
458Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
459Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
460Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
461Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
462Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
463Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
464Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
465Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
466Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
467Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
468Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
469Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
470Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
471Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
472Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
473Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
474Indicatori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
475Indicatori di sostenibilità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
476Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
477Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
478Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
479Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
480Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
481Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
482Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
483Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
484Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
485Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
486Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
487Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
488Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
489Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
490Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
491Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
492Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
493Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
494Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
495Indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
496Indici sul personale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
497Indici sulla safety - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
498Informativa parti correlate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
499Infortuni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
500Initiatives in favor of the community - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
501Iniziative a favore della comunità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
502Injuries - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
503Installed capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
504Intangible assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
505Intangible assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
506Interessenze di terzi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
507Interest rate derivatives - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
508Internal dealing - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
509Internal dealing - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
510Interruzioni del servizio - durata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
511Interruzioni del servizio - frequenza - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
512Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
513Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
514Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
515Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
516Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
517Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
518Investimenti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
519Investimenti per tipologia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
520Investitori socialmente responsabili - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
521Investments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
522Key Performance Indicators - KPIs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
523Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
524Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
525Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
526Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
527Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
528Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
529Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
530Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
531Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
532Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
533Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
534Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
535Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
536Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
537Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
538Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
539Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
540Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
541Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
542Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
543Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
544Le emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
545Le emissioni - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
546Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
547Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
548Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
549Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
550Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
551Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
552Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
553Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
554Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
555Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
556Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
557Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
558Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
559Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
560Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
561Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
562Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
563Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
564Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
565Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
566Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
567Le risorse - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
568Le risorse - Indicatori di prestazione - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
569Liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
570Liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
571Livello della Gerarchia del Fair Value per ogni categoria di Indebitamento finanziario - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
572Livello FV attività IFRS 13 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
573Long-term debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
574Long-term financial debt by currency, including indication of the interest rate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
575Long-term loans (excluding current portions) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
576Long-term loans - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
577Main per-share data and capitalization - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
578Management instruments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
579Management instruments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
580Management instruments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
581Margine operativo lordo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
582Materie prime - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
583Maturity analysis - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
584Mercati finanziari (1) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
585Mercati finanziari (2) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
586Mercato elettrico penisola iberica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
587Mercato elettrico Romania - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
588Mercato gas - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
589Movimentazione del valore nozionale dellindebitamento a lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
590Movimentazione delle partecipazioni nel corso dellesercizio 2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
591Movimentazione dellesercizio del valore nozionale dellindebitamento a lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
592Movimentazione fondo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
593Movimentazione passività possedute per la vendita - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
594Movimentazione utili e perdite - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
595Natura fornitori - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
596Net efficient capacity by geographical area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
597Net efficient capacity by primary energy source - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
598Net efficient capacity by primary energy sourcev - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
599Net efficient generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
600Net efficient generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
601Net efficient generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
602Net efficient generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
603Net electricity generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
604Net electricity generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
605Net electricity generation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
606Net Electricity Generation by geographical area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
607Net electricity generation by geographical area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
608Net electricity generation by primary energy source - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
609Net electricity generation by primary energy source - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
610Net electricity generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
611Net financial debt (is calculated in conformity with the CONSOB instructions of July 28, 2006) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
612Net financial debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
613Net financial debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
614Net income/(charges) from commodity risk management - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
615Net production by primary energy source - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
616Network losses - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
617New recruits - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
618Non-current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
619Non-current financial assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
620Non-current financial assets classified by category of instrument break down - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
621Non-current financial assets included in debt - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
622Non-current financial liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
623Notional Amount and Fair Value - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
624Notional Amount and Fair Value - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
625Nozionale delle operazioni in essere suddiviso per tipologia di posta coperta - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
626Number and frequency of injuries - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
627Numero e frequenza degli infortuni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
628Numero medio clienti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
629Nuove emissioni di finanziamenti nellesercizio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
630Operating data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
631Operating income - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
632Other atmospheric emissions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
633Other current assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
634Other current liabilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
635Other generation ratios - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
636Other generation ratios - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
637Other non-current assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
638Pagamenti attesi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
639Pagamenti minimi 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
640Pagamenti minimi 2013 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
641Parent Company, Services and Other Activities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
642Partecipazioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
643Partecipazioni in altre imprese - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
644Partecipazioni in altre imprese - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
645Partecipazioni in imprese controllate, collegate e altre imprese al 31.12.2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
646Partecipazioni valutate col metodo PN - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
647Partecipazioni valutate con il metodo del patrimonio netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
648Parti e Società Correlate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
649Pass fin costo ammortizzato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
650Passività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
651Passività con indicazione FV - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
652Passività con indicazione FV - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
653Passività finanziarie classificate per categoria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
654Passività finanziarie correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
655Passività finanziarie non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
656Passività finanziarie non correnti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
657Passività finanziarie valutate al costo ammortizzato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
658Passività misurate al fair value nello Stato patrimoniale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
659Passività non valutate al fair value nello Stato patrimoniale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
660Percentage of materials used that derive from recycled material compared to total consumption of each resource - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
661Percentuale dei materiali utilizzati che deriva da materiale riciclato rispetto al consumo totale di ciascuna risorsa - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
662Perdite di rete - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
663Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
664Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
665Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
666Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
667Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
668Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
669Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
670Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
671Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
672Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
673Performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
674Performance by geographical area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
675Performance del titolo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
676Personnel - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
677Personnel ratios - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
678Peso azioni Enel - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
679Peso azioni Enel - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
680Piano dei rimborsi dei finanziamenti a lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
681Piano di restricted share units - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
682Piano Industriale 2014-2018 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
683Piano rimborsi debito lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
684Piano stock option e sua evoluzione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
685Politica dei dividendi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
686Posizione finanziaria netta - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
687Posizione Finanziaria Netta - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
688Posizione Finanziaria Netta - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
689Potenza efficiente netta installata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
690Potenza efficiente netta installata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
691Potenza efficiente netta installata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
692Potenza efficiente netta installata - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
693Potenza efficiente netta per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
694Potenza efficiente netta per fonte di energia primaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
695Power generation capacity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
696Prelievi di acqua - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
697Prezzi dellenergia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
698Prezzi energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
699Prezzo acquis soc divis rinnov - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
700Principali dati per azione e borsistici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
701Principali transazioni intrattenute con le controparti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
702Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
703Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
704Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
705Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
706Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
707Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
708Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
709Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
710Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
711Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
712Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
713Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
714Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
715Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
716Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
717Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
718Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
719Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
720Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
721Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
722Processes and products - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
723Processes and products - Key Performance Indicators - KPI - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
724Produzione e domanda di energia elettrica in Italia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
725Produzione e domanda di energia elettrica nel mercato extrapeninsulare - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
726Produzione e domanda di energia elettrica nel mercato peninsulare - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
727Produzione energia elettrica per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
728Produzione netta di energia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
729Produzione netta di energia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
730Produzione netta di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
731Produzione netta di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
732Produzione netta per fonte energetica primaria - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
733Promotion of energy efficiency - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
734Promozione dellefficienza energetica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
735Property, plant and equipment - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
736Property, plant and equipment - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
737Prospetti da allegare al bilancio dellesercizio 2014 di Enel SpA ai sensi dell’art. 149 duodecies del “Regolamento Emittenti CONSOB” - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
738Prospetto delle variazioni del patrimonio netto consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
739Prospetto delle variazioni del patrimonio netto consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
740Prospetto dellutile/(perdita) consolidato complessivo rilevato nel periodo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
741Prospetto dell’utile complessivo rilevato nell’esercizio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
742Prospetto di raccordo tra patrimonio netto e risultato di Enel Spa e i corrispondenti dati consolidati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
743Prospetto di riconciliazione del Patrimonio Netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
744Proventi da partecipazioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
745Proventi e Oneri Finanziari da contratti derivati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
746Proventi Oneri netti da commodity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
747Proventi/ (Oneri) finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
748Proventi/(Oneri) finanziari netti da contratti derivati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
749Proventi/(oneri) netti da gestione rischio commodity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
750Provisions for risks and charges - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
751Public lighting - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
752Punti Enel diretti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
753Punti Enel indiretti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
754Purchases and fuel - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
755Purchases and fuels - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
756Purchases and fuels - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
757Qualità del servizio mercato elettrico Italia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
758Quota proventi e oneri derivanti da partecipazioni valutate con il metodo del patrimonio netto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
759Quote correnti dei finanziamenti a lungo termine - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
760Rapporti commerciali e diversi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
761Rapporti commerciali e diversi_2 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
762Rapporti finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
763Rapporti finanziari_2 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
764Rapporto RAL Donne/Uomini - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
765Rating - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
766Rating - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
767Rating - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
768Rating - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
769Ratio of gross annual salary women/men - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
770Reconciliation of shareholders’ equity and net income of Enel SpA and the corresponding consolidated figures - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
771Related parties - Associated companies - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
772Related parties - Balance sheet - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
773Related parties - Commercial and other relationships 2010 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
774Related parties - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
775Related parties and Associated companies - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
776Relations with associations,institutions and media - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
777Relations with unions - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
778Relazioni con associazioni istituzioni e media - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
779Relazioni con i sindicati - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
780Rendiconto finanziario - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
781Rendiconto finanziario consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
782Rendiconto finanziario consolidato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
783Repayment schedules - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
784Research and innovation - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
785Reserve from measurement of financial instruments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
786Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
787Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
788Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
789Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
790Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
791Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
792Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
793Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
794Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
795Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
796Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
797Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
798Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
799Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
800Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
801Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
802Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
803Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
804Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
805Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
806Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
807Resources - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
808Resources used in the production process - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
809Resources- Key Performance Indicators - KPIs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
810Restatement - Prospetto dell’utile complessivo rilevato nell’esercizio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
811Restatement del Conto economico - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
812Restatement delle Attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
813Restatement delle Passività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
814Rest_MOL 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
815Rest_RO 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
816Rete di distribuzione e trasporto di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
817Rete di distribuzione e trasporto di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
818Reti di distribuzione e trasporto di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
819Revenues - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
820Revenues - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
821Revenues - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
822Revenues - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
823Revenues from sales and services - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
824Ricavi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
825Ricavi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
826Ricavi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
827Ricavi 2013 restated - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
828Ricavi delle vendite e delle prestazioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
829Ricavi vendite e prestazioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
830Ricavi vendite e prestazioni per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
831Ricerca e innovazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
832Riconciliazione del tasso teorico dimposizione fiscale con leffettiva incidenza sul risultato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
833Riconciliazione tra attività e passività di settore e consolidate - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
834Rifiuti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
835Rimanenze - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
836Ripartizione dei crediti finanziari e dei contratti derivati in base al loro grado temporale di esigibilità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
837Ris Area Att 2013 restated - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
838Ris Area Att 2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
839Riserve da valutazione di strumenti finanziari - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
840Riserve di idrocarburi e produzione annua - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
841Riserve oci cfh cambio - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
842Risorse utilizzate nel processo produttivo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
843Risultati 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
844Risultati ambientali del Gruppo - Dati di stato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
845Risultati ambientali del Gruppo - Emissioni - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
846Risultati ambientali del Gruppo - I processi e i prodotti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
847Risultati ambientali del Gruppo - I reflui - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
848Risultati ambientali del Gruppo - I rifiuti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
849Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
850Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
851Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
852Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
853Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
854Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
855Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
856Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
857Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
858Risultati economici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
859Risultati economici del Gruppo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
860Risultati economici delle aree geografiche - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
861Risultati economici per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
862Risultati economici per area geografica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
863Risultati per area di attività 2014 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
864Risultati per area di attività del primo semestre 2010 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
865Risultati per area di attività del primo semestre 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
866Risultato e risultato diluito per azione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
867Risultato operativo - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
868Ritorno per l’azionista - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
869Safety expense - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
870Safety rates - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
871Safety rates - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
872Scadenza crediti commerciali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
873Scarichi idrici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
874Scenario - Enel and the financial markets - Gross operating margin per share (euro) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
875Scenario - Italy - The gas market - Price developments - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
876Segment information 1st Half of 2010 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
877Segment information 1st Half of 2011 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
878Sensitivity ASEM - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
879Serious and fatal injuries to employees of contracting companies - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
880Service interruptions - duration - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
881Service interruptions - frequency - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
882Services, leases and rentals - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
883Servizi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
884Servizi e godimento beni di terzi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
885Share performance - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
886Shareholder return - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
887Shareholders - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
888Shares held by Key Men - Shares held by Directors, members of the Board of Auditors, the General Manager and managers with strategic responsibilities - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
889Short-term loans - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
890Short-term loans - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
891Sicurezza per le comunità - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
892Situazione Patrimoniale 2012 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
893Size of workforce - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
894Socially Responsible Investors - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
895Spesa ambientale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
896Spesa per la sicurezza - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
897Statement of Cash Flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
898Statement of Changes in Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
899Statement of Changes in Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity 2010 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
900Statement of Changes in Equity - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
901Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
902Statement of Consolidated Comprehensive Income - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
903Stato Patrimoniale - Attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
904Stato Patrimoniale - Passività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
905Stato patrimoniale consolidato - Attivitá - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
906Stato patrimoniale consolidato_Patrimonio netto e Passività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
907Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
908Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
909Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
910Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
911Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
912Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
913Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
914Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
915Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
916Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
917Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
918Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
919Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
920Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
921Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
922Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
923Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
924Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
925Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
926Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
927Status data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
928Stazioni di ricarica veicoli elettrici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
929Stratification of expected cash flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
930Stratification of expected cash flows - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
931Stratificazione dei Flussi di Cassa attesi - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
932Strumenti di gestione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
933Struttura del debito a lungo termine dopo la copertura - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
934Struttura del debito a lungo termine dopo la copertura_Tasso - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
935Suppliers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
936Suppliers - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
937Suppliers nature - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
938Sustainability indicators - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
939Sviluppo del rinnovabile - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
940Tabella relativa alla disponibilità e distribuibilità delle riserve - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
941Tasso imposizione fiscale sul risultato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
942Tax revenue - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
943TFR e altri benefici ai dipendenti_1 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
944TFR e altri benefici ai dipendenti_3 - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
945The Group - Results by division - Economic results for activity area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
946The Group - Summary of results - Financial data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
947The Group - Summary of results - Performance data - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
948Third-party injuries - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
949Total assets - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
950Total income taxes - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
951Totale attività - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
952Trade payables - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
953Trade payables break down by geographical area - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
954Trade receivables - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
955Trade receivables by geographical area are shown below - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
956Trade receivables due from subsidiaries break down - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
957Training on health and safety - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
958Training on health and safety - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
959Training on health and safety - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
960Transport - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
961Trasporti - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
962Utile complessivo (Prospetto dell’utile consolidato complessivo rilevato nell’esercizio) - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
963Utili / (Perdite) nette - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
964Valore aggiunto per stakeholder - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
965Valore creato per gli stakeholder - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
966Valori società controllate a controllo congiunto - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
967Valorization - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
968Valorizzazione - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
969Variazione passività società estere - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
970Variazione Passività TFR e altri benefici - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
971Variazione personale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
972Variazioni alla consistenza - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
973Vendita di energia - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
974Vendita di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
975Vendite di energia elettrica - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
976Vita stimata attività immateriali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
977Vita stimata immobili materiali - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
978VN e FV derivati copertura - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
979Volumi venduti energia elettrica per mercato - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
980Waste - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
981Waste - Key Performance Indicators - KPIs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
982Waste water - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
983Waste waters - Key Performance Indicators - KPIs - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpAEnvironment, consumers and health
984Water consumption - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
985Welfare Aziendale - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
986Workforce by level and gender - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA
987Workforce by type of contract and gender - Enel Open DataCC BY-3.0Enel SpA

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

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