Data Catalogues Profile


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Showing 51-60 of 134 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

51Payments over £500 - Apr13- Dec13CC0-1.0Business; Economy, finance and tax
52Payments over £500 - Aug10- Dec 10CC0-1.0Business; Economy, finance and tax
53Elections - 220514CC0-1.0Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
54Payments over £500 - Jan14 onwardsCC0-1.0Business; Economy, finance and tax
55Collisions Date LsoaCC0-1.0
56Ward LocationsCC0-1.0
572011 Census-travel To Work ModeCC0-1.0
58Payments over £500 - Jan11- Mar13CC0-1.0Business; Economy, finance and tax
59WD 2011 BFE South WestCC0-1.0Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
60River-water-qualityCC0-1.0Environment, consumers and health

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

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