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Εμφανίζονται 1-10 από 48.518.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

1Bauhof EngerwitzdorfCC BYTransport and travel% Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights%
2RTR-NetztestCC BYTransport and travel% Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights%
3Redbridge Housing Benefit Fraud ReturnUK Crown CopyrightTransport and travel% Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights%
4Loyer moyen exprimé en surface corrigée en France métropolitaine et hors Île-de-France au 1er janvier 2010(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Environment, consumers and health%
5Eléments de confort des logements de 1984 à 2006(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
6Elements de confort des logements des familles monoparentales de 1984 à 2006(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
7Eléments de confort des logements des ménages immigrés en 2002 et 2006(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
8Taille et peuplement des résidences principales en 1992, 1996, 2002 et 2006(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
9Ménages en situation de surpeuplement selon le type d'habitat et l'âge de la personne de référence en 1984, 1996 et 2006(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
10Données sur les résidences principales par statut d’occupation en région Aquitaine en 2007(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel% Employment and social rights/affairs%
Εμφανίζονται 1-10 από 69.

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

1fs-rfi(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel
2dati-pra(μη ορισμένο)Transport and travel
3giustizia-amministrativa(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
4gazzetta-ufficiale(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
5governo-dossier(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
6governo-testi(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
7corte-costituzionale-pronunce(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
8corte-di-cassazione(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
9consulta-giustizia-europea(μη ορισμένο)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
10dati-catastali-immobili(μη ορισμένο)Environment, consumers and health