Data Catalogues Profile


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Showing 31-40 of 166 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

31Domestic trade: Annual retail trade turnover other (Public Domain)Business; Economy, finance and tax
32Domestic trade: Monthly retail trade turnoverother (Public Domain)Business; Economy, finance and tax
33Domestic trade: Quarterly retail trade turnover other (Public Domain)Business; Economy, finance and tax
34Domestic trade: Wholesale tradeother (Public Domain)Business; Economy, finance and tax
35Earnings: Average salaries and wages, by districts and municipalitiesBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
36Earnings: Average salaries and wages, by NACE Rev1 sectionsBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
37Earnings: Average wages and salaries, by divisions CA2010Business; Economy, finance and tax
38Earnings: Average wages and salaries, by sections CA2010 and regionsBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
39Earnings: Average wages and salaries, by statistical territorial units (NSTU)Business; Economy, finance and tax
40Earnings: Indices of salaries and wages, by districts and municipalitiesBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

1merge-test(not set)
2yo(not set)