Data Catalogues Profile


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Showing 21-30 of 261 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

21companies' death rateBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
22(not set)Environment, consumers and health
23(not set)Culture, education and youth; Science and technology
24(not set)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
25(not set)Employment and social rights/affairs
26(not set)Culture, education and youth; Science and technology
27Banca d'Italia - Statistiche monetarie, creditizie e finanziarieother (not open)Business; Economy, finance and tax
28Regione Piemonte | Carte dell'attidudine dei suoli (not set)
29Regione Piemonte | 1.02 - Pianificazione territoriale (not set)
30(not set)Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
Showing 1-9 of 9 items.

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue