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Showing 91-100 of 5,197 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

91Fondo Farmaci Orfani ex. art. 48, co. 19, let. a, Dl 269/03, conv.)in L. 326/03IODL-2.0AIFAExternal relations and foreign affairs
92Provvedimenti Ufficio Valutazione e AutorizzazioneIODL-2.0AIFAEmployment and social rights/affairs
93Accordi tra PA o soggetti privatiIODL-2.0AIFAJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
94Uso speciale dei farmaci ai sensi della Legge 648/96IODL-2.0AIFAEmployment and social rights/affairs
95Segnali di FarmacovigilanzaIODL-2.0AIFABusiness; Economy, finance and tax
96Incarichi a personale non a tempo indeterminatoIODL-2.0AIFACulture, education and youth; Science and technology
97Concorsi AIFAIODL-2.0AIFACulture, education and youth; Science and technology
98Incarichi a dipendenti AIFAIODL-2.0AIFABusiness; Economy, finance and tax
99Liste di TrasparenzaIODL-2.0AIFAEmployment and social rights/affairs
100Lista delle sostanze attive - genericiIODL-2.0AIFAJustice, home affairs and citizens' rights
Showing 91-100 of 469 items.

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

91Impianti SportiviCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
92Uffici ComunaliCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioExternal relations and foreign affairs
93Cartelloni PubblicitariCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioBusiness; Economy, finance and tax
94Centri di AggregazioneCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
95UtilitaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
96Arte e CulturaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEmployment and social rights/affairs
97ScuoleCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioCulture, education and youth; Science and technology
98Bere e MangiareCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioAgriculture, fisheries and food; Energy and natural resources
99Ambiente e NaturaCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioEnvironment, consumers and health
100DormireCC BY-SAComune di Rignano FlaminioBusiness; Economy, finance and tax