
Data Catalogues Overview

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Showing 1-10 of 31 items.

Data catalogues

1 www_umweltbundesamt_at(not set)Austria
2 data_bordeaux-metropole_frOnly map. No metadata.(not set)France
3 www_data-publica_comCannot locate datasets.(not set)France
4 www_opendata71_frCannot locate metadata(not set)France
5 www_sardegnageoportale_itCatalogue uses JSP and we can't harvest the dataset urls.(not set)Italy
6 www_dati_piemonte_itBad structure in dataset's html page.(not set)Italy
7 data_opendata_lvDatasets organised in tabed panel form and no metadata - only resources(not set)Latvia
8 www_opendata_luDatasets list is empty : set)Luxembourg
9 www_lisboaparticipa_ptBad structure in dataset's html page.(not set)Portugal
10 archivo_ayto-arganda_esDatasets in pop up window(not set)Spain