Data Catalogues

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An alert dataset is defined on the following missing metadata:
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated

Alert data catalogues

Showing 2,331-2,340 of 4,115 items.

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* If you are an open data publisher, please go to your original dataset source to add the required metadata.
#ActionsTitleCatalogue URLPlatformDescription
2331SAM is a wide ranging operational system that records registration of livestock species, work management and bovine tuberculosis (bTB). It...
2332School Direct Application System system is used by applicants to apply to schools for School Direct places in initial teacher training. It contains...
2333Reservoir peak flow and flow regulated rivers & Business - Land and Water Reservoir peak flow and flow regulated rivers dataset contains calculated reservoir peak and...
2334Online Vetting Application Spreadsheet excel spreadsheet records details of security clearance applications which have been made online by the Department and National Security...
2335CEND 10/12 PSA Data (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Size Analysis (PSA) Data from Greater Haig Fras and NW of Jones Bank recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ) and...
2336CEND 19x/12 Seabed Videos (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Videos from Braemar and Scanner Pockmarks candidate Special Area of Conservation/Site of Community Importance (cSAC/SCI) and Turbot Bank Natue...
2337Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) system of continual professional development of LGV and PCV drivers. Includes training organisation list and courses available including those offered...
2338Land Registry Board Information, papers submitted for consideration at, and minutes of meetings.
2339EZÚS e-Register EZÚS SRÚS e-Register EZÚS SR
2340River Basin Districts Management Catchments & Business - Land and Water. River Basin Districts Management Catchments consists of Water Framework Directive reporting & hydrological...