Data Catalogues
What's an alert?
An alert dataset is defined on the following missing metadata:
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated
- License
- Author
- Organisation
- Date released
- Date updated
Showing 2,091-2,100 of 4,115 items.
ALERT! Incomplete metadata found in the harvested datasets
* If you are an open data publisher, please go to your original dataset source to add the required metadata.
# | Actions | Title | Catalogue URL | Platform | Description |
2091 | UK Drivers and Vehicles Test Data | | ckan | Vehicles/Drivers Development and Testing Team (VDAT) / (DDAT) responsible for UA testing and live maintenance of new projects/initiatives affecting the... | |
2092 | UK Zoonoses, Animal Diseases & Infections Group (UKZADI) contacts list | | ckan | UK Zoonoses, Animal Diseases & Infections Group (UKZADI) contacts list | |
2093 | Universal Credit Household Survey | | ckan | A quantitative survey for 5529 customers concerning their attitudes to work and benefits. | |
2094 | Urban/rural mask | | ckan | Flood and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. The Urban/rural mask dataset categories areas as either urban or rural. | |
2095 | Van Activity Baseline Survey | | ckan | Survey of 20,000 van owners in England. Detailed responses received from 9,000 van owners. Data collection ceased. | |
2096 | Vectus | | ckan | Database containing personal details of applicants, convictions and appeals. Data held to track and assist with the review of applicants'... | |
2097 | Veterinary Residues data | | ckan | Samples of UK, imported and retail animal tissues and products tested for a range of veterinary residues. | |
2098 | Luchtkwaliteitskaart 2012 - PM10 Open Data Stad Antwerpen | | html | Deze dataset bevat de concentratiekaart voor de grovere fijnstoffractie (PM10 omvat alle deeltjes kleiner dan 10 micrometer (μm)) in 2012,... | |
2099 | Luchtkwaliteitskaart 2012 - NO2 Open Data Stad Antwerpen | | html | Deze dataset bevat de concentratiekaart voor stikstofdioxide (NO2) in 2012, met waarden uitgedrukt in microgram per kubieke meter (µg/m³).De jaargemiddelde... | |
2100 | Junta de Andalucía - Índice de precios al consumo | | html | Información sobre los precios cotejados de un conjunto de productos que una cantidad de consumidores adquiere de manera regular,... |