Data Catalogues

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Alert data catalogues

Showing 1,681-1,690 of 4,115 items.

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#ActionsTitleCatalogue URLPlatformDescription
1681National Poisons Information Service (NPIS) - TOXBASE (UK approved clinical toxicology database) - TOXBASE externally hosted application for clinicians provides info on medical management of poisonings
1682National Security Vetting Database and detailed personal information and personal history including those of family, other relationships, financial details, criminal records of Departmental...
1683Pensions Rgulator personnel data (CIPHR) system for managing personnel records. Personal data & sensitive: Name, Address, Email, Telephone, Disability, Health, Sickness, Attendance, Performance
1684Pensions Sharing On Divorce for recalculating pensions on divorce. The information recorded includes Name, National Insurance Number, National Insurance information and Pension details
1685Provider 16-18 & Adult Skills Budget/Adult Skills Training Organisation Performance e.g. Quarterly Reconciliation. 16-18 & Adult Skills Budget/Adult Skills Training Organisation Performance e.g. Quarterly Reconciliation.
1686CASP (Casework and Specialist Process system) Casework system containing all Drivers, Vehicles, and Drivers Medical casework. Record of eligibility to drive (medical conditions). Data to...
1687Noise Emission emissions in the environment testing register. Data includes noise label, declaration of conformity, testing body, authorised product licence holder...
1688Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) emissions for Non-Road Mobile Machinery register. Data includes engine type, engine family, emissions levels, approval type number. Includes records...
1689Cattle Tracing System Online details of cattle births, subsequent movements to & from holdings, markets, commons, slaughterhouses & eventual death/slaughter details. Includes keeper...
1690CEND 8/12b PSA Data (CEND = Cefas Endeavour) Size Analysis (PSA) Data from Swallow Sand , Holderness Offshore recommended Marine Conservation Zones (rMCZ) and Barmades Bank