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Water flow, quality and pressures into District Metered Areas, from Regional Telemetry System (April 2011) - Dublinked™ . Sharing Data, Information and Ideas

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Water flow, quality and pressures into District Metered Areas, from Regional Telemetry System (April 2011) - Dublinked™ . Sharing Data, Information and Ideas
The Dublin Region Telemetry office records water flow, quality and pressures. The current dataset is extracted from the regional telemetry system and shows flows recorded at 15min rates, at 24 hour values and pressure readings also recorded at 15 min rates. The following data is captured for approx 200 No district metered areas (DMAs),which are also mapped.Flows- recorded value through meter,Pressures recorded pressure through DMA,Distribution- water flow through network,Pumps- use of pump to increase flow and pressure through DMA,Outstations- The point where transponder for meter is kept on site.There are several spreadsheets of data available for each of the outstations. Each spreadsheet contains the values for timedate, recorded reading in m3/hr,m3/day,MWG, mg/l, mm etc., a field to flag failed readings and option for manual input in case of failure. Other abbreviations used in the filenames include:VAL and AVE values- VAL is a snapshot during the 15 minute period of the flow rate through the meter, while the AVE is the average flow rate value over the 15 min period.FAN2_HRS and STD are values for FAN No 2, Hours Run per Day(HRS) and Starts per day (STD)NS_TEMP = North Shaft TemperatureNSAIRFLO = North Shaft Air FlowNSRM1PRE = North Shaft Rising Main Pressure 1,NSRM2PRE = North Shaft Rising Main Pressure 2NSWM_PRE = North Shaft Water Main PressureHRD = Hours run DailyHRS = Cumlative Hours RunSTD = Stats per DaySSRM1 &2 = South Shaft Rising Main 1 and 2SSWM= PRE & VLV South Shaft Water Main Pressure and Valve positionERROR = This word monitors comms between the PLC and the outstationFAN is an air movement Fan, HRS and STD as above.SS_FLOW = South Shaft FlowData measured includes the 15 min and daily flow rates (_FLO), pressure readings (_PRE), Residual Chlorine values, Rainfall, Reservoir Levels.A separate spreadsheet shows the DMA names and flow calculations. DMA shapefiles also available, projection: Irish Grid
Dublin City Council
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