Funding Allocations for institutions
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | b7141add-79f1-462e-8f64-2be53b98d1f2
Title | Funding Allocations for institutions
Notes | We hold Academic Year funding allocations for all educational institutions in England delivering to 16-19 year olds including academies.
Since 2011/12 these allocations are calculated and held in a central repository to store and manipulate DfE business data via a SQL database and a .NET front end. The allocations are updated as necessary throughout a contracting year. The allocations are for each academic year August to July. The information held consists of:- - provider details including, local authority, provider type, - elements used to calculated the institution's allocation such as numbers of students, factors relating to disadvantage, programme type, area, - allocation amounts broken down into various funding lines such as programme funding, protection, high needs funding, learner support funding |
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-25 02:07:34
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)