Official Development Assistance to Mozambique Database (ODAmoz)
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 8df19278-91ea-47d8-8a52-15249db423bd
Title | Official Development Assistance to Mozambique Database (ODAmoz)
Notes | ODAmoz is the online database of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from development partners to Mozambique.
## Details The database was created in response to the Paris Declaration advocating for strengthened coordination and harmonization among Donors and alignment with the Government of Mozambique. The overarching purpose of the database is to improve coordination & harmonization among Donors and to provide essential information for donors and the Government of Mozambique with a snapshot of Donor development assistance programs and projects. The database will serve as an electronic tool to view and update the data, and generate reports in the form of tables and geographic maps that can be printed or posted on a website. |
Author | OKFN
Author Email | |
Catalogue Url | |
Dataset Url | |
Metadata Updated | 2015-09-24 02:33:30
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Update Frequency | |
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)