Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics: Guanine-Cytosine Photochemistry/Guanine-Cytosine base pair photochemistry Rottger et al 2015/Calculations
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 85ea8007-cc18-4bea-bd69-bbbe1e37367b
Title | Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics: Guanine-Cytosine Photochemistry/Guanine-Cytosine base pair photochemistry Rottger et al 2015/Calculations
Notes | Experimental and computational data associated with ultrafast transient UV/visible and IR spectroscopy of the intermediate species produced by UV excitation of guanine-cytosine nucleobase pairs in solution.
Author | Gareth Roberts, Hugo Marroux, Andrew Orr-Ewing, Philip Coulter, Katharina Roettger, Michael Grubb,
Author Email | |
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-26 13:46:43
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)