Eel Management Plans
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 5dfb78cc-081c-44df-88ea-42adc706561c
Title | Eel Management Plans
Notes | Environment & Business - Land and Water.
A European Union Regulation requires member states to produce Eel Management Plans (EMP), in a bid to halt and reverse the decline in eel. The Environment Agency has produced 11 EMPs, covering each of the 11 River Basin Districts in England and Wales. Each plan addresses the causes of decline in eel populations and identifies management actions which are achievable. The measures addressed in the 11 EMPs fall into five broad groups: improving eel passage; Barriers to migration, Monitoring, Access to habitat, Stocking, and Regulating eel Fishing. |
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-24 23:01:46
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)