Anglerfish Annual Data Files for Stock Assessments
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 43511bb3-21d1-454a-8210-7ac7069ec70e
Title | Anglerfish Annual Data Files for Stock Assessments
Notes | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group preparation processing notes - landings by UK vessels landing in E+W and E+W vessels landing outside UK; length distributions and age length keys(ALKs) available; revisions to 2009 landings data. General information on fishing - breakdown by country of E+W landings outside the UK; Total Allowable Catch and UK quota information for 2010 & 2011. Charts showing spatial distribution of UK(E+W) landings by rectangle UK(E+W) tuning data. Catch per Unit Effort data from commercial vessels, if available. Monthly landings and sampling summary for UK landings in E+W. Quota uptake chart. Length, weight and number of landings sampled data by month and port. Charts showing weight landed by port for the major ports of landing for UK vessels landing into E+W ports and E+W vessels landing outside the UK. Numbers of fish measured by quarter and ICES Division/depth band. Histogram of monthly landings by UK vessels into E+W. Summary of landings by gear, depth band, fishery unit and quarter. Detailed summary of landings by depth band, ICES Division and quarter. Summary of landings. Effort data by gear, depth band, fishery unit and quarter. Quarterly and annual length distributions by fishery unit Quarterly and annual ALKs. Discard effort summary and quarterly Landings data for the Northern anglerfish stock.
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-24 05:21:38
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)