Unacceptable Customer Behaviour records
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | d4531d4d-441d-42ed-bf6b-e833d6955af9
Title | Unacceptable Customer Behaviour records
Notes | The Unacceptable Customer Behaviour database replaced the Accidents and Assaults Database two years ago (summer 2011) as the reporting system for staff to report incidents of unacceptable customer behaviour. Allthough referred to as a database its primary function is to record details of every individual case of violence in the workplace holding records of reported incidents of unacceptable customer behaviour, including assaults. It also holds details of the control measures, as determined by Nominated Managers, to be applied by staff to keep them safe. The data contained within it is of a highly sensitive (personal) nature and is subject to strict review procedures. The database is accessed only by approved staff. Will be used by all business in DWP. UCB data, from the database, is publically published on DWP's website in the DWP's website in the DWP Heath, Safety & Wellbeing annual report.
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Metadata Updated | 2015-09-26 08:16:42
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)