Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare and Leverage (HEAL)
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 9937d37e-b928-420a-8f4e-139ab53873ff
Title | Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare and Leverage (HEAL)
Notes | HEAL is a system designed to support the working and reporting of tax credit and Child Benefit Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare & Leverage (HEAL) and Partnership Approaches type cases. Updated: daily. Data coverage: 2009/10, 2010/11
Author | |
Author Email | |
Catalogue Url | |
Dataset Url | |
Metadata Updated | 2015-09-25 04:17:11
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Date Released | |
Date Updated | |
Update Frequency | |
Organisation | |
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State | |
Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)