Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 1905791c-4270-4122-97d9-9ba1319328e6
Title | Environment
Notes | Data regarding the air quality in the Municipality of Umea from the city´s sensors. The levels of NO2 and PM10 is extracted every 15 minutes (the average of four measurements of the levels during the last 60 minutes). More info at http://wiki.openumea.se/index.php/Metadata/Information_om_luftkvalitetm%C3%A4tningar
Author | Admin
Author Email | |
Catalogue Url | |
Dataset Url | |
Metadata Updated | 2015-09-26 14:38:20
Tags | |
Date Released | |
Date Updated | |
Update Frequency | |
Organisation | Municipality of Umea
Country | |
State | |
Platform | ckan
Language | sv
Version | (not set)