Employee share schemes data (ESS): Company Share Option Plan (CSOP), Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI), Save As You Earn (SAYE) and Share Incentive Plan (SIP)
Dataset Profile
Odm ID | 2fd4ac30-0079-4dbf-b788-3f26493d501c
Title | Employee share schemes data (ESS): Company Share Option Plan (CSOP), Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI), Save As You Earn (SAYE) and Share Incentive Plan (SIP)
Notes | Data from companies on grants & exercises of shares. Updated: annually. Data coverage: Years up to and including 2011/12
Author | |
Author Email | |
Catalogue Url | |
Dataset Url | |
Metadata Updated | 2015-09-24 23:21:39
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Update Frequency | |
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Platform | ckan
Language | en
Version | (not set)