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Showing 1-10 of 647 items.

List of UNIQUE datasets harvested for this catalogue

1European Quality of Life SurveyOGLGreater London Authority (GLA)
2Flag 4 GP Registrations, BoroughOGLOffice for National Statistics (ONS)
3Focus on London - Healthlicense not specifiedGreater London Authority (GLA)
4Focus on London - Housinglicense not specifiedGreater London Authority (GLA)
5Focus on London - Labour Marketlicense not specifiedGreater London Authority (GLA)
6Focus on London - Population and Migrationlicense not specifiedGreater London Authority (GLA)
7London: Country of birth estimates (2004-2013)OGLGreater London Authority (GLA)
8Earnings by Workplace, BoroughOGLOffice for National Statistics (ONS)
9Ask Boris social media monitoringOGLGreater London Authority (GLA)
10Better Environment, Better Health - Guides for London BoroughsOGLGreater London Authority (GLA)

List of DUPLICATED datasets harvested for this catalogue

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